The things you know will eventually be outdated. It’s fine. Some truths age well and become wisdom, while others age poorly and simply become what we knew to be true at the time, but no longer applies.

As a web developer, we call the things that do not change “the basics”.


Knowledge becomes outdated fast in this field. If you are smart, you will spend time learning things that change slowly, or not at all. Here is some solid reading material that you can count on will change slowly.

Resilient web design tries to put the design of websites into context with other print materials. It goes into the origins of the internet, and tries to illustrate how things can be designed to be resillient.

Hypermedia Systems shows how things went wrong in web development today by discussing the foundations of the web. It then shows how to architect a better web with hypermedia.

I recommend learning technologies that are stable and powerful. Htmx and jquery are great options that will continue to pay off for years. Others may appeal to some, but it might feel like a full time job keeping up with them. There might be a payoff for keeping up with these edge technologies! Buyer beware.
