React’s revolution in the world of software engineering finally reaches its end stage by becoming what it originally set out to replace: A full-stack web framework. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Attention Economy
React has solidly entered the awkward space of being the most popular, boring framework for making web applications. It most recently became a full stack framework with the introduction of server components. Nextjs basically is React, now that the React documentation recommends using a full-stack framework with React. I found Remix very pleasant to work with too, so it’s in the mix as a distant second.
The state of JS survey reveals that interest in React has been declining since 2016. It remains the most popular front end frameworks in use among survey respondents. But people are losing interest.
Meanwhile, many other options are entering the idea-space. Many are asking if not React, then what?
Will 2025 be the year React becomes uninteresting?